How is Socialism Being Launched as the Economic System of the United States? By Revolution? By the Ballot Box? No! By Voter Fraud! Part I.

Are we witnessing the sunset of constitutional democracy in the United States?

The Problem.

After numerous attempts of the “Resistance” to remove President Trump from office, the attempt to steal the presidential election of 2020 was successful. Hundreds of witnesses of the vote counting formally testified that they observed massive “irregularities” of the procedures. Smash-mouth techniques of ballot box stuffing and numerous other illegal electoral activities produced non-credible results. Under corrupt communications media, the blatant lie was promoted that there was no “evidence” of damaging electoral fraud. Deathly afraid of the implications of what had happened to American politics, everyone turned away from any recognition of the problem. The courts simply punted. They did not find that there was no evidence of fraud; they simply refused to give it any attention.

The massive corruption of a US Presidential Election did not seem conceivable. It was an issue too big for anyone to believe it might actually happen. But it wasn’t too big for democrats actually to have accomplished on election night. Whether the Democrat Party as an organization is responsible for flipping the election results, or whether particular democrats are responsible, the party must bear responsibility for the massive fraud and cover-up. We should not be surprised at democrat willingness to accomplish the fraud, since the democrats spent much of 2020 and 2021 showing us they are willing to accept violence and outright criminality as a means to political ends.

Since the Democratic Party has now gained a monopoly on governance, however, the consequences are even more serious.  They have unlawfully seized power with a promise essentially to annul, revoke and eliminate the U.S. Constitution and historically associated institutions of governance. They have paved the way for the ultimate establishment of one-party, dictatorial socialism in the United States.

The Election Aftermath: Attack on the Nation’s Capitol.

On January 6, 2021, a large crowd of Trump supporters congregated at the White House to be addressed by the President. He announced that he had no intention to concede the election, since it had been tainted by voter fraud. He had actually won by a landslide, he asserted, but through audacious irregularities the election had been overturned by incredible numbers of illegitimate ballots and procedures not permitted by the constitutions of the states involved.

For a week or so after the 6th, I believed that when the speech ended, the crowd walked down to the Capitol grounds. A small number of the many thousands of protesters breached the Capitol itself while the congress was in session and in the process of certifying the 2020 election results.  At that point the protest turned into a violent riot.

But there is more to the story. As CNN has since revealed, the rioters were not responding to President Trump’s non-incendiary words. A CNN reporter, a BLM agent, and others had started planning to attack the capitol earlier. The attack began before President Trump’s speech had ended.  Extremists left the rally early and proceeded to the riot.

Representative Cheney, nominally a Republican, observed that: ““The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing.” Of this “betrayal” she added, “The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence.” We have learned her accusation was false about the intent and the effect of the President’s remarks. I suppose that the President could have called out the police, although they had already been informed by the FBI that violence was pre-planned for the day. But what Mrs. Cheney missed, even with her expertise in betrayal, was that at the time the riot was being launched the President was preoccupied with a speech he was giving at the White House to polite protesters. Moreover, Mrs. Cheney is in a position of authority in the congress. One wonders why she didn’t forcefully intervene to stop the violence.

Violence by protesters has occurred with some frequency over the past year in the large metropolitan areas of the United States. On January 6th, there was illegal entry of the capitol, the destruction of public property, and mob activity that law enforcement agencies struggled for hours to overcome until the crowd was dispersed.

This disgrace was not what one would expect from President Trump’s followers. It is not they who are motivated by hate and committed to violence to achieve political ends. “Trumpers” want to make America great, not tear down its national symbols and traditions. Rather, it is the destructiveness of the Antifa and Black Lives Matter that reflects the hatred of the extreme left and of its Marxist revolutionary leadership. Violence reflects the rejection by radicals of America’s greatness, its historical monuments, and its alleged “systematically racist” culture.  Trumpers oppose this nihilism and are strong advocates of law and order. How could people turn on these beliefs and resort to violence in an attack on the nation’s capitol?

This is the kind of Trump supporter who would attack the capitol, burn, loot, and threaten lawmakers with bodily harm?
She and other polite protesters came in for much railing by democratic politicians and the media.
The democrat militia, Marxist Antifa and BLM rioters, are more thorough than those at the capitol. They burn and loot along with their violence.

First, let us recognize that huge crowds of Trumpers at the scene of the capitol “breach” were not involved in the attack. Arriving somewhat late, they remained calm and polite outside on the capitol grounds. A smaller number of extremists were actually involved in the assault on the entry and interior of the Capitol. Interestingly, images were shown in news reports of doors being opened for some of those who did enter. It has now been learned that some interlopers moving with the thousands of polite Trumpers included leftist activists. Even when leftists were denying the possibility earlier, my suspicions of their involvement were provoked because, in Antifa fashion someone had prearranged the placement on site (near DNC and RNC headquarters) of explosive devices, which, fortunately, were not deployed inside the Capitol. Delivering riot equipment in advance by rental truck was a tactic of Antifa in last year’s frequent riots.

There were clearly some nominal Trump supporters who were stirred up by the Antifa and BLM extremists. As in any very large group, there are likely to be hangers-on who are just along with friends or who may relish a chance for a fight. They will have the attitude that if anyone lays a finger on their buddies, they will punch them out. There may have been some number of those present, of course. The aggressive interlopers of both types –nominal Trump supporters and leftist extremists —were in the wrong and should be subject to appropriate legal sanction. Their unlawful behavior should subject them to the appropriate punishments provided by our laws; it should not have removed from them their civil rights, making them subject to harsh imprisonment conditions without any charges being filed and being held indefinitely.

In spite of all the railing about “insurrection,” none of those arrested have been charged with the crime. Investigation demonstrated that none of the participants of the protest was armed. In spite of the prevarication of some of the media, the police at the site were not harmed by the offenders. There was no looting, there was no arson, and only one person was killed, assassinated at point blank range. An unarmed protester shot at point-blank range without warning was Ashli Babbitt, a veteran of the United States air force.

US IVP Kamala Harris, Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images). Her warcry: The protests (riots) will continue after the election. AND THEY SHOULD!!!!

For those arrested in the numerous 2020 riots, IVP (Illegitimate Vice President) Kamala Harris helped pay bail and organized an effort to raise donations to pay bail so that criminals could get back out on the streets and into the action of further violence. Harris will doubtless have second thoughts about bailing out those who are being arrested for this year’s DC riot.  She has said on television that one should not expect the riots to cease just because there was to be a 2020 presidential election and she mentioned that such riots should continue.

Unfortunately, one young, unarmed California veteran of four duty tours was shot dead in the Capitol with a small crowd trying to gain entry. She would represent the few aggressively active participants who sincerely believed that the massive electoral fraud was a coup on our democracy and our democratic electoral processes, and that the time had come to initiate the battle to save our country. That is something that cannot be understood by the incensed politicians who condemned the protest but swallowed whole the false and treacherous platitude that there was “no evidence” that electoral fraud had occurred. Ashli Babbitt knew that the election was stolen and the country she had fought for on the battlefield was being swallowed up by socialists.  The politicians didn’t care about the electoral fraud, the courts didn’t care, the state and national legislatures didn’t care.  But Ashli Babbitt cared.

Of course these unlawful, mob activities were unacceptable and politicians at the scene were gratified with the opportunity to express their extreme, patriotic indignation. Although in this case there was no arson, vandalism was indeed experienced, so it finally occurred to democrats for the first time after months-long Antifa and BLM violence that these activities are actually criminal, possibly even dangerous.

What brought us to this point?

The 2020 presidential election was highjacked by democrat operatives. President Trump and his legal team were unable during weeks of strenuous effort to find any judge, court, or legislature that would investigate or even listen to evidence of voter fraud and election irregularities. In the wake of the fraudulent election, a large share of American voters was distraught with the failure to achieve electoral integrity in the world’s newest banana republic. This led to the January 6th protest at the capitol, but there were also calls before that event for the president to take strong action.

The WTPC (We The People Convention), General Flynn, and many others called for President Trump to initiate Martial Law in the United States so that a new election (without perverse computation and ballot box stuffing)  could determine the actual winner.  A noted conservative commentator, Ann Coulter, has faulted President Trump for failing to back up his verbal insistence on law and order with firm federal action to stop arson, looting, and violence. The country is now prepared for firm action to protect the capitol, but apparently still refuses to recognize the need to protect elections that determine the President.

Implications of the stolen election.

I.P. Biden. After history’s most extensive
electoral fraud and an unimaginable second impeachment of his rival, Joe calls for national unity.

We should not forget, of course, that history is full of surprises. Having stolen the presidential election and having installed I.P. Biden, the Democrats have basically taken control of all three branches of government. Since the Democrat Party won the runoff election in Georgia in January, 2021, the Republicans lost control of the Senate.  Leading democratic politicians have promised political initiatives that pave the way for the installation of a socialist regime.  But in spite of our pessimism, things may not develop precisely as the extreme left plans. The narrow margins by which they hold majorities in congress, the striking divisions within the party (socialists demanding increased power within the administration), and disillusionment with the implementation of inflationary and thoughtless IP Biden policies could contribute to gridlock. Perhaps the country still doesn’t need to be rescued from the destruction of the Constitution and from the establishment of a socialist order in the United States.  

As this is posted, documents revealing the Obama
administration’s weaponization of the FBI and Justice Department to spy on and sabotage the Trump Campaign and the Trump Administration, especially through the FISA courts, are being declassified and will likely provide yet additional evidence of corruption and treachery.

Nevertheless, even if Republican legislative opposition can have some influence, Republicans will not necessarily be able to obstruct plans the Democrats have promised to change the senate rules of governance, pack the supreme court, eliminate the Electoral College, establish additional democratic states, strip numerous rights from the Bill of Rights, defund the Police, and, ultimately, take us to the point Senator Schumer has promised – to change the United States and the world. Since President Obama promised a complete “transformation” of our country, numerous Democrats, including I.P. Biden, have expressed the same objective. The complete “transformation” promised will extinguish or eliminate the constitution, as all the leading democrat politicians continue to violate their oath of office and their promise to defend the constitution.  They will have not only failed to defend the constitution against its enemies, both foreign and domestic, but they will have demonstrated to the world that, beginning with the Obama-Biden administration, they actually are those enemies.

Traditional democrats, of which I was once one, have not favored socialism in the United States. But in recent years they have stood silently by and permitted the lawlessness and violence of Antifa and BLM, the youth militia of the party, to do things democrats had never previously accepted. They have silently watched the party advocate and adopt more and more radical policies.  So anxious have they been to express their loathing of President Trump they have zealously sought to oust him from office without the slightest hint of legitimate cause.  Their party platforms have unabashedly advocated socialist policies and tactics.  Nevertheless, party bosses have now twice stepped into political elections to block the increasingly popular candidacy of Bernie Sanders.  Twice he has been denied the Party nomination for the presidency.  So there is still a limit to what traditional democrats are apparently willing to accept in terms of the radicalization of their Party. Nevertheless, the Party organized and executed the attempted “deep state” coup of the Trump administration through the “resistance,” through the Russian investigation hoax and through a senseless and juvenile impeachment. 

The coup de grâce of the “never-Trumper” conspiracy was the theft of the presidential election in 2020. The moral principle behind the socialist takeover of the U.S. government was as follows: because President Trump is so evil, such a racist, and such a liar, any dishonest action to denigrate, insult, embarrass, harm and especially to remove him from office is morally justified.

As a result of the successful election fraud, it appears that in the future democrats will be able to manage power as they wish, i.e., to establish a permanent one-party dictatorship. Until they drop the farce and deception of “elections” altogether to become a one-party nation, they can easily control their voters or, when necessary, the ballot box.  Because democrats are indoctrinated to feel that they must not seek information from a source like Fox news, the only information the cooperative general voters have access to is the incessant propaganda of the left-stream media. The U.S. media have the back of the Democratic Party.  The media have also meddled systematically in the electoral process, e.g., by covering up the pre-election story of Biden family corruption, by covering up the gangster-style theft of the election, by continuously smearing President Trump, and performing other indoctrination tasks.

What should have been done

In the meantime, evidence has become undeniable and powerful that agents of the democrats used smash-mouth tactics to overthrow the 2020 presidential election in America. They attacked the system on election night in key democratic strongholds through a variety of activities that broke numerous state and federal laws and defied every sense of decency. The attack was so brazen that people would not have believed it had they understood what had happened.  The American media had an incredibly easy time covering up the ballot box coup simply by categorically denying what had happened and repeating ad nauseum: “there is no evidence at all” that the election was subject to voter fraud. This was such an audacious prevarication so strongly asserted by the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, that the uninformed immediately assumed it to be true. Democrats have made few attempts to affirm that the election was not stolen; if they go beyond the simple assertion that there was no wrongdoing, it is merely to cite the corrupt/inept local officials who assert that there was no fraud. They hasten to add that the courts have not found any proof of fraud. One judge was asked to hear a very large number of witnesses of fraudulent, illegal activity and said he preferred to read the hundreds of affidavits.  The next morning, doubtless after a good night’s sleep, he rejected the case without discussion.

AUSTIN, TX. Nov. 7, 2020. Simultaneous demonstrations in support of President-elect Joe Biden and current President Donald Trump face off in front of the Texas State Capitol in downtown Austin following the announcement of the presidential elections. Photo by Gabriel C. Pérez/KUT

Corrupt judges presiding over democratic courts never denied the existence of evidence; they simply refused to consider any evidence at all.  And there were tons of evidence that they ignored. Moreover, in cases where the managers of the local elections denied any wrongdoing, one can rest assured that they were simply covering their sterns to avoid embarrassment and to cover guilt. They delegated the policing of the election to individuals complicit in the corruption. That should cost them not only shame, but their employment or political office as well.

Consider now the particular candidate for whom the election was stolen.  There are at least three reasons why Biden is not suited to be president, but only one reason why he must be understood to be an Illegitimate President. First, consider the three reasons why he should not be president.

1. Joe Biden has never been a popular national candidate. When running on his own he was singularly unable to present a significant candidacy until the Democratic Party bosses (not the voters) chose him to be the party’s representative. He was their last chance to stop the momentum of Senator Bernie Sanders and their support for Biden disenfranchised the irresponsible millennials supporting a socialist candidate for whom the bosses felt the country was not yet prepared. IP Biden’s “remain in the basement” candidacy for president and total lack of connection with voters were the reason why millions of illegitimate votes needed to be manufactured by ballot-box manipulators. IP Biden won far fewer counties than Obama, but it was claimed that he had millions and millions more votes than Obama had. Of course!

A typical Joe Biden presidential candidacy rally. Sometimes his attendees stayed in their cars and there were as many of those as we see individual participants here. So some of his rallies were probably twice this large.

2. Due to his age and physical condition Joe Biden frequently shows he is cognitively challenged and lacking in the energy and vitality the very demanding Presidency of the United States requires.

3. Joe Biden’s financial trail and Hunter Biden’s laptop both provide evidence of extensive corruption of the Obama Administration’s Vice President. Morally, ethically, and legally, Biden disqualified himself to be a serious candidate for the Presidency. The cover-up of the Biden story preceding the election by the unprofessional media and the Democratic Party was a part of the overall corruption and theft of the election.

Nevertheless, none of the above reasons explain why justice should have required a new election or an audit of the contested results in democratic strongholds. (It is presumed that an audit would not merely have recounted the same illegitimate ballots of previous recounts.) The reason for a corrective election is that Joe Biden was not the winner of the 2020 presidential election.  The dishonest media have asserted brazenly and falsely that there is no evidence that the election was stolen by the Democratic Party. Joe himself was, without doubt, not directly involved in the massive, unparalleled electoral fraud involving, in the aggregate, millions of illegitimate and incorrectly recorded ballots.  But some individuals in the Party organized, coordinated and implemented this final phase of a five-year planning effort to oust a duly-elected President of the United States.  This election was the final effort to complete a cowardly coup of President Trump’s administration.

I invite the skeptical reader to review the reports of some who presented persuasive evidence of electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election. They are presented under the title “Election 2020: Stolen! The Evidence.” It is listed in this website with my blogs at the bottom of the introductory page right where you found this blog.

The 2020 Nationwide Demonstrations: Part One

Abstract: As socialists swept the Democratic Party toward the far left, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have grown across the country, and as millennials have declared their support of socialism, their looting, burning and violence exploded in the wake of the pandemic. Why do the media and political leaders insist on soft permissiveness for the lawlessness, devastating violence, looting, burning, and murder by the leftist radicals The answer is as simple as it is obvious. These young thieves, trespassers, murderers, arsonists, and revolutionaries are the children and the proxies of the socialistic Democrats who are doing their best to achieve the great transformation to socialism.

The chaotic political developments of recent months appear to have been confusing to many.  It would be helpful, therefore, to address some basic questions that have arisen with the impeachment of a president, the arrival of a Wuhan pandemic, and the nation-wide demonstrations following the tragic death of George Floyd.

George Floyd

The response of many Democrats and other leftists to those who present ideas different from their own is usually an attack of vicious and unreflective name calling.  Most of them do not engage in reasoned discussion or debate, presumably because that would seem beneath their dignity. They simply intend to ridicule and distort any opposition or argumentation they encounter. The standard distortion I expect for this blog will be that I am a racist.  I therefore wish to assure the reader in advance that this is false. It is my conviction that all people are created by the Father of all spirits. I know that God loves all people and that He has commanded all of us to do so as well.  Because we have a common Eternal Father, all men are brothers. 

A preliminary memorial to Floyd.

George Floyd, like all of us, was imperfect. But he was a child of God and we are all rightly appalled at what he suffered. (It should be recognized, of course) that Floyd died of drug overdose rather than strangulation. But we all regret that he, like so many Americans, was the victim of addiction.)

Like most Americans, I am anxious to see conditions improve for all of our communities of color. Although progress has been considerable over my long lifetime, I am anxious to see continued rapid progress in the positive attitudes of all Americans toward all their fellow citizens. Now, having shared what I have in common with my fellow Americans, I wish to express how I differ from the attitudes recently expressed repetitively and stridently in the media and by leftist politicians. I do so in addressing the questions that have recently arisen.

What is looting? 

Looting is street-level income redistribution in kind. Too often, however, it is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, or at least to the comfortably well-off. Our entitled youth can kill two birds with one stone in rioting: they can 1) receive compensation in kind for their revolutionary efforts, and 2) work on bringing down our government and replacing it with the longed-for socialist, Marxist dictatorship of the labor-free proletariat.

What is the street violence growing out of peaceful protest?

Taking to the streets was an entertaining party for those of our youth who enjoy hurting people and/or who are attempting a revolutionary overthrow of democratic government. It is a pleasurable exercise, for one can throw rocks, burn down and loot businesses, and attack police officers and public properties with impunity. It doesn’t matter if  you get arrested, the authorities will let you off.

Protesters signing the depths of their understanding of social issues.

Why does the political left insist that riots were not occurring and that rioters must be protected?

In the American past, both Democratic and Republican leaders have used the National Guard and, rarely as a last resort, the U.S. Military, to put down violent insurrection. As socialists have swept the Democratic Party toward the far left, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have grown across the country, and as millennials have declared their support of socialism, their political activity on the streets and their street-level income redistribution have exploded in the wake of the pandemic. One can understand protests against police brutality; but it has been reported that many municipalities and states with democratic leadership have presided over demonstrations and riots for decades without undertaking the ameliorative policies that would change the law-enforcement environment in their communities. We are left with the question why the media and political leaders insist on soft permissiveness for the lawlessness, devastating violence, looting, burning, and murder by the leftist radicals. The answer is as simple as it is obvious. These young thieves, trespassers, murderers, arsonists, and revolutionaries are the children and the proxies of the socialistic Democrats who are doing their best to protect them from the law and an incensed President Trump.

Who were the Rioters?

The Antifa are, from the viewpoint of many, domestic terrorists.
Antifa flag adopted from the post WWI German Communists.

If you are wondering what this discussion of the participants in the 2020 riots is all about, it is important that you know.  Doubtless, there are some naive young idealists who are good people involved with the Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Unfortunately, their leaders and most of their fellows are not generic radicals, but are clearly Marxist-Leninist communists who idealize Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Their objective is the overthrow of the U.S. government and the establishment of a Marxian socialist system in the United States. The reader is invited to visit the Wikipedia website and to check out this link.

I personally fear that while many protesters and supporters of Black Lives Matter do in fact sincerely long for justice and social equality, many members, leaders and those who finance BLM are actually in pursuit of their own preferences — a socialist revolution to achieve their own view of justice, which is to “exterminate the exterminators.”

This was the original German flag.

The Black Lives Matter organization is at its core a racist hate group insisting that whites are the inherent epitome of all evil. Of greater interest here is the fact that the group’s official position is one of Marxist socialism.  See this website                   

What have we missed during the national preoccupation with the pandemic and the riots?

As the pandemic, the lockdowns, and the riots were raging (Spring, 2020) those paying attention were learning about one of the greatest political scandals in history. Probably a majority of Americans was oblivious to what was happening. This was not because the story of the protests and riots distracted them; it was because the national media were attempting to smother it with their silence.

Spying on the Trump Campaign and Presidency.

Comey, Clapper and Brennan, the alleged enablers of the Obamagate Scandal.

The scandal is how the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, IRS, State Department, and other agencies spied on the Trump Campaign in the 2016 election and after the election seditiously attempted to bring down the new presidency. We are learning of abundant evidence of spectacular corruption.  The pre-election spying was transformed after the Trump victory, which Democrats found unacceptable, into an attempted soft coup of the lawfully elected U.S. government. The sabotage of the Deep State and the resistance of the Pelosi/Schumer congress were aided and abetted by most of the public media. President Trump is berated because he frequently becomes angry with the continuous, torrential floods of bitterness and the distortions and mendacities of the Democrats and their media.  The Democrats are still angry because President Trump won that 2016 election.

Peter Strzok’s “Insurance Policy” was to bring down the President.
She reported that everyone in the spy group was to act “by the book.” Perhaps some did not realize there was a book.

Joe Biden said he knew nothing about General Flynn (on the right), but Biden was one of the many administrative officials who requested that Flynn’s name be outed.
The people who have followed the news not offered by the mainstream media
are convinced that “Obamagate” is a genuine and very serious phenomenon.
In comparison, Watergate was a lemonade stand.

What is peaceful protest? 

At best, peaceful protest is putting oneself in harm’s way to express idealism on the streets. It is exercising one’s right to join peaceful demonstrations with others who are angry about public news. In the case of George Floyd, it is public action to express the sentiment of 99% of the nation to convince the 1% that prejudicial murder is wrong. I wonder if any other Chauvin(ist) still out there on a police force was convinced of the error of his attitudes by the protesters.  

Peaceful protest is for idealistic youth. The more serious activists are out for serious change, which their leaders claim is achieved by violence, looting, arson, and producing deceased law officers.

At worst, peaceful protest can be akin to marijuana use.  Marijuana use, we are told by people who are surely experts on the subject (whether or not they have access to data or scientific training on how to use it) that marijuana is “no worse than alcohol.”  They don’t address the fact that people who end up with addictions to hard drugs often began their deadly journey with marijuana. Peaceful protest occurs somewhat as a teen-age party does, although the group spirit is often tinged with a generalized, unfocused anger. One is inclined to follow the crowd as passionately as someone posting something “dope” on Facebook.  And when the crowd is infiltrated with more committed, indoctrinated hoodlums like the Antifa-fa?  Will not one be inclined to follow? Will the more mature, hard-core spirits serve as role-models for the younger, psychologically unanchored kids susceptible to revolutionary entertainment? 

Of course we can all exercise our right to demonstrate.  In fact, many feel they have a right to gamble, to use drugs, to take opioids.  Is that a reason to do so?  With free speech we have a right to offend our neighbor verbally.  Journalists have the “right” to publish lies made from whole cloth about the president of the United States. (E.g., The president says George Floyd is looking down from heaven and is happy about the surprisingly good jobs report in June, 2020. In fact, the President never said anything of the sort.)  Other “journalists” have the right to republish the lies.  But is it some kind of virtue to pursue civil or supposed civil rights to the full extent of retarded morality?  Finally, I wonder how many parents were happy about having their children wander around the streets shouting obscenities? And if they didn’t leave the scene early, hobnobbing with looters and arsonists all hours of the night?

Socialism: Origins, Expansion, Decline, and the Attempted Revival in the United States