Table of Contents of Socialism

Chapter 1: Before the Age of Adam Smith

Chapter 2: Adam Smith and Market Exchange

Chapter 3: The Corporation in the Capitalism of the United States

Chapter 4: Socialism before Marx: Pre-Marxian and “Utopian” Socialism

Chapter 5: Marxian Economics

Chapter 6: Marxism after Marx

Chapter 7: Utopian Socialism in Communitarian America

Chapter 8: Bureaucracy: How Governments Manage Economic Activity

Chapter 9: Soviet-Type Central Economic Planning

Chapter 10: Central Planning Reform, Decentralization, and Decline under Gorbachev

Chapter 11: East German Consumption Planning

Chapter 12: Central Economic Planning in India

Chapter 13: China: The Market, and the World Market

Chapter 14: Market Socialism: In Theory, in Hungary and in Yugoslavia

Chapter 15: Socialism in Democratic Western Europe

Chapter 16: Socialism of the National Type in the United States

Chapter 17: Redistribution of Incomes

Chapter 18: Socialism and the Welfare State

Chapter 19: The Academic Contribution to American Socialism: Stakeholder Advocacy

Chapter 20: Ethics and Stakeholder Theory: An Economics Perspective

Chapter 21: Socialism and Tyranny

Chapter 22: Overview and Conclusions