The 2020 Nationwide Demonstrations: Part One

Abstract: As socialists swept the Democratic Party toward the far left, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have grown across the country, and as millennials have declared their support of socialism, their looting, burning and violence exploded in the wake of the pandemic. Why do the media and political leaders insist on soft permissiveness for the lawlessness, devastating violence, looting, burning, and murder by the leftist radicals The answer is as simple as it is obvious. These young thieves, trespassers, murderers, arsonists, and revolutionaries are the children and the proxies of the socialistic Democrats who are doing their best to achieve the great transformation to socialism.

The chaotic political developments of recent months appear to have been confusing to many.  It would be helpful, therefore, to address some basic questions that have arisen with the impeachment of a president, the arrival of a Wuhan pandemic, and the nation-wide demonstrations following the tragic death of George Floyd.

George Floyd

The response of many Democrats and other leftists to those who present ideas different from their own is usually an attack of vicious and unreflective name calling.  Most of them do not engage in reasoned discussion or debate, presumably because that would seem beneath their dignity. They simply intend to ridicule and distort any opposition or argumentation they encounter. The standard distortion I expect for this blog will be that I am a racist.  I therefore wish to assure the reader in advance that this is false. It is my conviction that all people are created by the Father of all spirits. I know that God loves all people and that He has commanded all of us to do so as well.  Because we have a common Eternal Father, all men are brothers. 

A preliminary memorial to Floyd.

George Floyd, like all of us, was imperfect. But he was a child of God and we are all rightly appalled at what he suffered. (It should be recognized, of course) that Floyd died of drug overdose rather than strangulation. But we all regret that he, like so many Americans, was the victim of addiction.)

Like most Americans, I am anxious to see conditions improve for all of our communities of color. Although progress has been considerable over my long lifetime, I am anxious to see continued rapid progress in the positive attitudes of all Americans toward all their fellow citizens. Now, having shared what I have in common with my fellow Americans, I wish to express how I differ from the attitudes recently expressed repetitively and stridently in the media and by leftist politicians. I do so in addressing the questions that have recently arisen.

What is looting? 

Looting is street-level income redistribution in kind. Too often, however, it is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, or at least to the comfortably well-off. Our entitled youth can kill two birds with one stone in rioting: they can 1) receive compensation in kind for their revolutionary efforts, and 2) work on bringing down our government and replacing it with the longed-for socialist, Marxist dictatorship of the labor-free proletariat.

What is the street violence growing out of peaceful protest?

Taking to the streets was an entertaining party for those of our youth who enjoy hurting people and/or who are attempting a revolutionary overthrow of democratic government. It is a pleasurable exercise, for one can throw rocks, burn down and loot businesses, and attack police officers and public properties with impunity. It doesn’t matter if  you get arrested, the authorities will let you off.

Protesters signing the depths of their understanding of social issues.

Why does the political left insist that riots were not occurring and that rioters must be protected?

In the American past, both Democratic and Republican leaders have used the National Guard and, rarely as a last resort, the U.S. Military, to put down violent insurrection. As socialists have swept the Democratic Party toward the far left, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have grown across the country, and as millennials have declared their support of socialism, their political activity on the streets and their street-level income redistribution have exploded in the wake of the pandemic. One can understand protests against police brutality; but it has been reported that many municipalities and states with democratic leadership have presided over demonstrations and riots for decades without undertaking the ameliorative policies that would change the law-enforcement environment in their communities. We are left with the question why the media and political leaders insist on soft permissiveness for the lawlessness, devastating violence, looting, burning, and murder by the leftist radicals. The answer is as simple as it is obvious. These young thieves, trespassers, murderers, arsonists, and revolutionaries are the children and the proxies of the socialistic Democrats who are doing their best to protect them from the law and an incensed President Trump.

Who were the Rioters?

The Antifa are, from the viewpoint of many, domestic terrorists.
Antifa flag adopted from the post WWI German Communists.

If you are wondering what this discussion of the participants in the 2020 riots is all about, it is important that you know.  Doubtless, there are some naive young idealists who are good people involved with the Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Unfortunately, their leaders and most of their fellows are not generic radicals, but are clearly Marxist-Leninist communists who idealize Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Their objective is the overthrow of the U.S. government and the establishment of a Marxian socialist system in the United States. The reader is invited to visit the Wikipedia website and to check out this link.

I personally fear that while many protesters and supporters of Black Lives Matter do in fact sincerely long for justice and social equality, many members, leaders and those who finance BLM are actually in pursuit of their own preferences — a socialist revolution to achieve their own view of justice, which is to “exterminate the exterminators.”

This was the original German flag.

The Black Lives Matter organization is at its core a racist hate group insisting that whites are the inherent epitome of all evil. Of greater interest here is the fact that the group’s official position is one of Marxist socialism.  See this website                   

What have we missed during the national preoccupation with the pandemic and the riots?

As the pandemic, the lockdowns, and the riots were raging (Spring, 2020) those paying attention were learning about one of the greatest political scandals in history. Probably a majority of Americans was oblivious to what was happening. This was not because the story of the protests and riots distracted them; it was because the national media were attempting to smother it with their silence.

Spying on the Trump Campaign and Presidency.

Comey, Clapper and Brennan, the alleged enablers of the Obamagate Scandal.

The scandal is how the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, IRS, State Department, and other agencies spied on the Trump Campaign in the 2016 election and after the election seditiously attempted to bring down the new presidency. We are learning of abundant evidence of spectacular corruption.  The pre-election spying was transformed after the Trump victory, which Democrats found unacceptable, into an attempted soft coup of the lawfully elected U.S. government. The sabotage of the Deep State and the resistance of the Pelosi/Schumer congress were aided and abetted by most of the public media. President Trump is berated because he frequently becomes angry with the continuous, torrential floods of bitterness and the distortions and mendacities of the Democrats and their media.  The Democrats are still angry because President Trump won that 2016 election.

Peter Strzok’s “Insurance Policy” was to bring down the President.
She reported that everyone in the spy group was to act “by the book.” Perhaps some did not realize there was a book.

Joe Biden said he knew nothing about General Flynn (on the right), but Biden was one of the many administrative officials who requested that Flynn’s name be outed.
The people who have followed the news not offered by the mainstream media
are convinced that “Obamagate” is a genuine and very serious phenomenon.
In comparison, Watergate was a lemonade stand.

What is peaceful protest? 

At best, peaceful protest is putting oneself in harm’s way to express idealism on the streets. It is exercising one’s right to join peaceful demonstrations with others who are angry about public news. In the case of George Floyd, it is public action to express the sentiment of 99% of the nation to convince the 1% that prejudicial murder is wrong. I wonder if any other Chauvin(ist) still out there on a police force was convinced of the error of his attitudes by the protesters.  

Peaceful protest is for idealistic youth. The more serious activists are out for serious change, which their leaders claim is achieved by violence, looting, arson, and producing deceased law officers.

At worst, peaceful protest can be akin to marijuana use.  Marijuana use, we are told by people who are surely experts on the subject (whether or not they have access to data or scientific training on how to use it) that marijuana is “no worse than alcohol.”  They don’t address the fact that people who end up with addictions to hard drugs often began their deadly journey with marijuana. Peaceful protest occurs somewhat as a teen-age party does, although the group spirit is often tinged with a generalized, unfocused anger. One is inclined to follow the crowd as passionately as someone posting something “dope” on Facebook.  And when the crowd is infiltrated with more committed, indoctrinated hoodlums like the Antifa-fa?  Will not one be inclined to follow? Will the more mature, hard-core spirits serve as role-models for the younger, psychologically unanchored kids susceptible to revolutionary entertainment? 

Of course we can all exercise our right to demonstrate.  In fact, many feel they have a right to gamble, to use drugs, to take opioids.  Is that a reason to do so?  With free speech we have a right to offend our neighbor verbally.  Journalists have the “right” to publish lies made from whole cloth about the president of the United States. (E.g., The president says George Floyd is looking down from heaven and is happy about the surprisingly good jobs report in June, 2020. In fact, the President never said anything of the sort.)  Other “journalists” have the right to republish the lies.  But is it some kind of virtue to pursue civil or supposed civil rights to the full extent of retarded morality?  Finally, I wonder how many parents were happy about having their children wander around the streets shouting obscenities? And if they didn’t leave the scene early, hobnobbing with looters and arsonists all hours of the night?

Socialism: Origins, Expansion, Decline, and the Attempted Revival in the United States