What Kind of Socialists are the “Antifa”?

The evolution from K12 youth indoctrination to organized political activity in the United States is reminiscent of the Hitler Youth movement (Hitlerjugend, HJ). This official organisation for male youths from 14 to 18 in Germany was a paramilitary organization. The proclaimed purpose of the Antifa in the U.S. is to fight against the racism that officially motivated the German fascist youth. The de facto purpose of the movement is simply to take the objectives of the far left to the street. In doing so, the movement is very reminiscent of the Hitler era street bullying of political opponents. The “racism” being attacked by the Antifa and the American left is merely a chimera reflective of hatred; it is often nothing more than name-calling used to demonize any antagonist, usually without any relationship to any issue of actual racism.

In their effort to rationalize street violence, young socialists declare they are on a campaign against Fascism, hence the emergence of the Antifascists or “Antifa.” (Given their modus operandi they might better be called “Antifa Fa”. Out in the streets they certainly do resemble Fascists.) From their supportive position, the left-wing media have tended to refer to them as “activists” or simply as “protesters.”  The link between the Antifa and their political party is not as direct and open as the relationship between the Hitlerjugend and the National Socialist Party, but it is no less apparent. 

Conceptual Beliefs of the Antifa

When I published my book on socialism, the Antifa was just getting organized and had not yet made its public appearance, so I did not include the group in the book. The same can be said for Black Lives Matter. But at that time the Occupy Wall Street Movement had already appeared and the things that must be observed about that group apply to the lawless preferences of the later young socialists as well.

American socialists were formerly the left wing of the Democratic Party;  since sometime around the emergence of the Obama phenomenon,  we can refer to them as simply Democrats.  It is not sufficient for the Antifa merely to attack “Fascists;” the insult must be generalized.  There are in reality precious few Fascists in the United States, but that does not hinder the Democratic Party and the liberal media from smearing the few through the “Antifa” and to broaden the attack to include all “white supremacists,” which of course includes the entire political opposition.

A website description of the would-be Nazi activists in the United States today declares “…the largest neo-Nazi group in the United States is the Detroit-based National Socialist Movement (NSM), with around 350 members in the entire country. Led by Jeff Schoep, the group mostly avoided the in-fighting that decimated some other neo-Nazi groups. The NSM reached a peak of activity in the mid-2000s, organizing a number of public events and rallies around the country, but its activities have tailed off somewhat more recently…” (See https://www.adl.org/education/resources/reports/state-of-white-supremacy#neo-nazis.)

What I wish to point out is the fact that the movement in the U.S. today is trivially small and declining – it is a stretch to call it a movement. When the recent Boston counter-protest was touted as involving ten times more anti-Nazi protesters than Fascists, that was probably an extreme understatement. In Boston there are probably about as many Fascists as New-England witches. As all but the Democrats seem to be aware, racism and white supremacy sentiment have long been fading away in America. The Democrats have become confused about racism, I believe, because their political tactic of first (and recently last and only) resort is to cry “Racism!” to smear all political opponents. It has nothing to do with whether there is any actual hint of racist attitudes or behaviors. You just scream racism regardless of the event. 

Neo-Nazis probably know as little about the economics, politics, and history of Fascism as the average socialist or “Antifa.” Fascists are fanatics who are as sour in heart and mind as those prepared to oppose them in the streets.  Ironically, the “Antifa” are as mistaken about the political nature of Fascism as are socialists generally.  In socialist propaganda, Fascism is falsely presented as a right-wing phenomenon. Scholars understand, however,  as Hitler himself did, that his was a nationalistic form of socialism, although it was inclined to combat ethnic rather than social/economic class enemies. I elaborate on this point and present evidence in my book, which presents evidence that national socialism was a leftist phenomenon. Hitler just switched the class struggle in Mein Kampf (My Struggle) from being a social to an ethnic conflict.  He was thereby a true racist, but he was not the only racist socialist. 

The Dissemination of Ideological Truth


Currently the danger of violence in the United States stems from the socialist movement, a prominent wing of which claims for itself the euphemism “anti-Fascist”, which is aided, abetted and encouraged by the socialists who have recently come to dominate the Democratic Party. Going back to the last presidential campaign, which included the hiring of “activists” or “protesters” by the Clinton campaign to attack Trump rallies, the large numbers of young criminals who want to turn every event into violence and a looting spree have not disappeared from society since the 2016 election.  President Obama loved and encouraged such groups, which is seen by looking back at his lack of anything negative to say about the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Black Lives Matter and other hate groups. He was more likely to make them honored guests at the White House.

In the meantime, the left wing continues to spew hatred for contemporary America. Hillary herself labeled half of America as bigoted “deplorables”. The media are currently attempting to brand all Republicans as White Supremacists.  The technique of name calling has been so successful for the Democrats and the media that every imagined offense is labeled racism. It is ironic that it is the policies of the Democrats that have been so disastrous, especially for low-income inner city citizens. 

What’s the next epithet? We have millions of young socialists in this country who are emotionally confused with the name calling and the socialist propaganda.  Historically, there were quite a few Ku Klux Klan racists in the slavery era and in its extended wake, and interestingly, they were Democrats.  Later, Democrats dominated the ranks and leadership of the Jim Crow movement.  Today, the young Marxist revolutionaries whose hero is Bill Ayers are clearly the most numerous and most dangerous hooligans of the present.