The Revolution is On!

Es Lebe der Aufstand!

The work of “Peaceful Protest” in the Post-Pandemic Riots.

Karl Marx said that the class struggle was the driving force of human history. Without a class system in America, current Marxists have decided that a socialist revolution should be based on a race struggle. BLM is disinterested in black lives; they have no protests to make when the crime wave following the socialist introduction of violence on American streets produces large numbers of deaths among innocent blacks, including very young children. Such deaths are of no interest when it is a question of blacks murdering blacks and when local democrat officials encourage lawlessness by refusing to prosecute it. The “defund the police movement” has discouraged law enforcement and protection of either lives or property.

Agents of law and order. “Line up to protect our citizens and their property. If you are opposed in this, stand down!”

Democrats occupying elected administrative offices have presided over the violence.  They have protected the mobs by ordering police to stand down and in many cases supporting vocally the movement to “defund the police.” It makes sense for leftists to protect the mobs, since the mobs are simply the street vanguard of the socialist movement.  Protesters have been informed that their objective in peaceful protest is to combat peacefully the systemic racism built into the caste system of the United States and that social justice requires protest and social action.  But the rioters and the organizational bosses of BLM and Antifa are well aware that the blacks and their supporters are simply being used by the revolutionaries.

Is Mr. Floyd the real reason
for the violence?

Yes, revolutionaries!  The organizational leaders have already taught the Antifa and BLM more senior activists that this is not at all about George Floyd or about police brutality toward the black community.  This is about the Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist Revolution! Capitalism is to be brought down so that woke politicians and revolutionaries can establish a Marxian system.

It is clear that the political left in the United States wants to distract the focus of Americans away from the facts and make them think that the rioters are simply sincere youth who are calling for social justice. But their foundational hope is that the movement will bring us closer to the scrapping of capitalism and the establishment of a socialist (it would probably be more accurate for revolutionaries to say “communist”) government and economic system. But even journalists on the right prefer to reference the revolutionaries simply as “progressives” or with other such epithets as shall surely fail to acknowledge what the revolutionaries themselves are really striving to accomplish.

On the morning of the 12th of August, it was reported that in the fourth month of civil unrest in Portland, Oregon, rioters had invaded a residential neighborhood the previous Saturday night. They targeted people inside their own homes. Nightly protests and riots since May had previously remained contained to downtown Portland. 

Due to polling about people’s political preferences, we were already aware that millions of millennials had been indoctrinated in our schools and universities to believe a socialist system would be preferable to a market economy. We have now seen in our larger cities that a good share of these recruited revolutionaries are prepared to pursue Marxian revolutionary methods to achieve their desired “dictatorship of the proletariat.”  This time socialism is to be built on the shores of dictatorship in the United Socialists of America.